Deen MF
For decades the United States has wanted to control Arab and Muslim oil and make big profits for military and other well-connected contractors. Israel and its powerful American lobbies and leaders want to crush any potential challenge to Israel’s possession of stolen Palestinian lands. Tens of millions of American Christian Zionists support Israeli expansionism because they believe it will bring Armageddon and the return of Jesus.
All want to maintain a U.S.-Israel monopoly on nuclear weapons in the Middle East. There is ample evidence that to maintain this monopoly, the U.S. and Israel have discussed and even planned a dangerous war against Iran, and probably its ally Syria, that could kill millions of Muslims, Arabs, Israelis and even Americans. See maps.
U.S. President Barack Obama said during his inauguration speech that he wanted to repair relationships with Muslims (and assumedly Arabs) world wide. At that time th is page asked if Obama would be "one more U.S. president badgered into submission by the pro-Israel lobby - and follow a defacot Bush policy?"
It only took a few months to find out. Israeli leader "Bibi" Netanyahu and the Israel Lobby and its many many representatives in Congress quickly squashed Obama's aspirations! Obama's negotiation efforts have been half-hearted, he keeps threatening military action against Iran and pushes for punitive sanctions on Iran, despite no proof it is developing nuclear weapons.
Current U.S. military policy clearly demands that the U.S. use nuclear weapons against Iran, either to destroy deep buried nuclear targets or in retaliation against Iranian counter-attacks. Obama is just following Bush's neoconservative, Israel First, no matter how much it harms America, policy. Read more below.

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